Friday, September 16, 2016

8 Point Archery Buck

Here is my late report from Wednesday evening!

Was planning on leaving work at 3 today to get out for a couple hours. My afternoon meeting wrapped up early and at 145 I was on my way out of work and to the stand. After a couple stops I was pulling into the property at 245. Got dressed and was climbing the ladder to stand at 3. Was as quiet as I could be walking in. The beans were pretty crunchy and i definitely smacked my bow on ladder pulling it up the stand. 

I sat down and heard something in the tall brush right next to my stand. Had to be a squirrel or something as I just walked in and climbed stand and definitely made a bit of noise. Settled in and at 315 heard noise again and looked up and saw antlers. This deer stood up from the thick brush about 12 yards from me. I immediately saw he was a decent sized deer and his funky rack. Stood up slowly and grabbed my bow. Thought I'd have to wait for him to step into a better shooting lane but the more I looked the more I thought I could fit a shot into the window he was standing. Drew back and felt comfortable and let one go. He was hit great and another deer jumped out of brush as well. He was another 8 point and a good deer to. The deer I hit ran 15 yards, stopped. Then did the wobbly leg and fell over and that was it. My whole hunt lasted maybe 30 min from the time I pulled in to property. The other buck hung around forever, waited for him to calm down and feed off. 

Called my buddy who lived around the corner and he came down and helped me drag it off.

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