Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ductwork Sport Fishing - Tile Report - 5/12/14

The Ductwork Sport Fishing crew made the run out to the tile grounds on Monday and were rewarded with some great fish! Check out the report below and give Captain Phil a call to book a trip - 856-834-4170. Or check out his website here -

Had the boat out east yesterday for a special bucket list trip. The angler was my father, who while I've beat up offshore with big tuna, etc, had never been tilefishing. Beautiful weather in the morning made for a quick run out to the grounds. Focused deep in the morning on some new grounds doing research and the fishing was very good in several areas with goldens in the teen to mid twenty pound class. Three to four lbs of lead was needed most of the day with the full moon Wed and heavy current and 4lbs required in the afternoon even shallow as deep the current was too heavy to fish. Big fish of the day started out as the angler hooking bottom/commercial gear until it started digging and taking drag. A lengthy conversation ensued where the angler swore that this is not a tilefish, its a shark, etc only to be rebuffed with keep reeling its a big golden. Fifty feet down, color and a massive bubble burst confirmed it was just that and a minute later the largest golden of the 2014 Ductwork tile season laid on the deck. Finshed the day up shallow catching nice blueline tiles. Bit of sporty sea running home as it cranked up SW late in the afternoon, but the Horn ate it up at 26kts. Big fish was weighed this morning and ended up being an "honest" and "true" 42.82 lbs gutted on a certified scale.

Great day on the water and a bucket list fish crossed off for pops...

I will be running tile every chance I get when I have weather windows and am not booked for other species. I will also be combining them with tuna in June as well as running special long range trips to the far southern grounds for big goldens, big bluelines, snowy grouper, etc.

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