Tuna fishing has slowed a little over the past week. Many anglers are catching a couple tuna each trip but are reporting the fish spread out and hard to stay on top of. There have been more bigeyes reported this past week. White marlin have shown up in good numbers throughout the canyons as well. Dolphin are also around in good numbers. It shouldn't be too long before a few wahoo are caught.
Anglers are still connecting on a few makos out in the deep of the canyons and inshore on the 20 and 30 fathom lines. Boats trolling the canyons are reporting catching makos on the troll. Blue sharks and duskys are also being caught by shark fisherman. One south jersey boat had a neat encounter with a great white while shark fishing this weekend. The big shark ended up taking the anglers chum bag right off their boat! Check out the video -
Tiles are still being caught in the canyons as well.
Inshore Ocean:
Deep water flounder fishing has been good over the past couple of weeks. Working tight to structure with bucktails tipped with strip baits will produce the most and biggest fish, but be prepared to go through some tackle.
The inshore trolling bite has been good with big bluefish being caught up and down the coast. We should see other species such as bonita, and mahi being caught inshore as the water warms up a little.
Chesapeake Bay:
North of the Bay Bridge was a hot spot for stripers this past week. Anglers trolling, jigging and live lining spot connected on fish to over 30" this past week.
The mid and lower bay also reported good action on stripers with live lining and jigging both catching their share of fish.
Bottom fishing has also been good throughout the bay. The upper bay white perch and a few spot are being caught while the mid and lower bay are seeing a nice mix of croakers, spot, perch and even some puppy drum in some spots.
Crabbing reports are still slow throughout the bay. Many people are blaming the abnormally low water temperature, and all the rain we've had for the slow crabbing. Hopefully they are right. Areas that are normally producing by this time of year are mostly very slow.
Delaware Bay:
Flounder fishing in the Delaware Bay has been decent this past week. I received many reports of good numbers of short fish, but keepers are still hard to find.
Croakers, sea trout and kingfish are all being caught in the mid and lower bay regions. These fish can provide lots of action, but finding keeper fish for the cooler can sometimes be tough.
Brown sharks are still all over the bay. These sharks can be a pain when you are targeting flounder or other bottom fish for the cooler. But they do fight like freight trains and can liven up a slow day.
Things haven't changed on the freshwater scene. I did hear good reports of bass fishing in the brackish water of the Susquehanna Flats over the past week.
Most lakes, and ponds will provide good action on bass and pickerel throughout the summer with early morning and evening being the best time to fish.
Tight Lines,
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