Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekly Mid-Atlantic Fishing Report! - 5/29/15

There has been very good fishing action reported up and down the coast from this past week when the weather has allowed anglers and boats to get out.

Offshore Ocean:

The weather was less than ideal most of this past week for anglers wanting to run offshore. However, the few boats that did make it out reported good yellowfin action up and down the line. I also heard of a couple of big eyes being brought in as well.

Shark fishing was also good for the boats who sharked in the deep of the canyons. Many boats tried the popular inshore 20 and 30 line spots and were met with lots of blue sharks. I did hear of a couple of boats catching makos in these inshore spots as well. As the water temps creep up these locations should produce more makos and some threshers as well.

I did not hear of many tile or bottom fishing reports this past week, but action should be very good for boats targeting these tasty bottom dwellers.

Inshore Ocean:

Striper fishing in NJ and NY was better this week. Anglers are catching these fish jigging, snagging bunker and trolling. There are still plenty of big bluefish to deal with when targeting stripers as well.

The sea bass and porgy fishing has also been very good for anglers bottom fishing for these species.

Anglers will start to target flounder (fluke) in the popular inshore spots as well in the next couple of weeks.

Chesapeake Bay:

Trolling, chumming and jigging are all catching stripers up and down the bay. When spot start to show up in more numbers live lining will take off as well. Many anglers are catching fish in both keeper slots, between 20" and 28" and 28" and larger.

I have noticed many anglers have made the switch to smaller bucktails, parachutes and spoons in their trolling spreads. As the bigger fish move out these smaller baits will provide more action from the schoolie sized stripers.

Bottom fishing reports from the lower bay region should start coming in from anglers targeting croaker, perch, and spot.

Delaware Bay:

Drum fishing was very good at the end of last week. It did slow down some this past weekend and early this week. I expect fishing to pick back up in the next day or two as we get closer to the full moon.

While I was out drum fishing last Friday, we caught a couple of kingfish who managed to impale themselves on the 7/0 hooks we were using. These are some of my favorite fish to eat and are a lot of fun to catch. Top and Bottom rigs with shrimp, clams or squid should get these kingies. Croakers and other bottom fish should start showing up as well.

There have been a lot of cow nose rays and sand sharks to deal with while drum fishing as well.


Trout fishing should still be very good for anglers still targeting these fish, but with the warm weather we are having it wont take long before the water temps get too high and trout fishing will come to a close.

Pond and lake fishing in the area has been good with bass, pickerel, and crappies all being caught. As the water warms we will settle into the summer pattern of early morning and late evening being the best time to target bass in the area.

Tight Lines,


Check out our line of fishing tackle!

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