I don't think we've seen the sun since this past weekend! Looks like Saturday may be a nice day to get some fishing in, but it has been tough to get out lately with this rainy, windy weather!
Offshore Ocean:
Same story as last week. The weather kept many anglers tied up at the dock this past week, but when boats did get offshore they found good fishing for yellowfins. I did hear of a couple bigeyes caught as well as a few mahi and a couple of white marlin as well. If we get this weather to calm down and allow more fishable days we should continue to see more great reports from the deep.
Makos were caught by anglers shark fishing and trolling for tuna in the canyons. The inshore shark bite still seems a little behind so far. Reports are lots and lots of blue sharks with the occasional mako or thresher being reported.
Boats who tile fished this past week again reported good fishing on both Golden and Blueline tile fish.
Inshore Ocean:
The sea bass fishing was pretty good this past week. Finding an area holding a good keeper to throw back ratio can be tough, and many anglers reported having to weed through smaller fish to catch their keepers.
A couple of thresher sharks were caught from the popular inshore spots. These fish usually follow the bunker schools, so if you see lots of bunker, there is a good chance a thresher is around.
Flounder fishing in the popular inshore spots should pick up this month when the weather lets anglers out after them.
Chesapeake Bay:
New week, same story, trolling, chumming and jigging are all catching stripers up and down the bay. When spot start to show up in more numbers live lining will take off as well. Many anglers are catching fish in both keeper slots, between 20" and 28" and 28" and larger.
I have noticed many anglers have made the switch to smaller bucktails, parachutes and spoons in their trolling spreads. As the bigger fish move out these smaller baits will provide more action from the schoolie sized stripers.
I have not seen too many reports, but bottom fishing reports from the lower bay region should start coming in from anglers targeting croaker, perch, and spot.
Delaware Bay:
Drum fishing was still good for boats who fought the rough weather this week and fished for them. There are a lot of sand sharks, skates and rays to deal with when drum fishing so make sure you have enough clams! Drum action should continue to be good for the next week or so before they start leaving the area.
Anglers should start targeting flounder throughout the bay as the water temps continue to increase. I have not heard of anyone catching any flounder in the bay yet, but reports should start to come in any day now.
Kingfish, croakers and other bottom fish should also be making their way into the bay as well.
Pond and lake fishing in the area has been good with bass, pickerel, and crappies all being caught. As the water warms we will settle into the summer pattern of early morning and late evening being the best time to target bass in the area.
Tight Lines,
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